These Glaswegians GLASVEGAS throw down grand epic super ultra mega pop ala Spector + Jesus and Mary Chain vs Echo + Bunnymen . Can they begin to be played loud enough? No. Color me utterly frkn Elated. Imagine a string-laden Scot band covering the cover versions that Ian McCulloch + Echo and the Bunnymen covered. Glorious. Thank YOU Scotland! This album is out soon in the US. I'll repost when available.
Listen: Do Not download the album. No matter how good the DL it won't sound as good as the legit product. Even better get it on vinyl. In the case of Glasvegas it Sonically Does matter.
Two tracks are an inadequate taste but better than none:
Glasvegas - It's My Own Cheating Heart That Makes Me Cry MP3
Glasvegas - Lonesome Swan MP3
And a tip of the ever indebted hat to Paul and Rosie and friends at Guardian UK Music Podcast for the turn on. If you don't subscribe then you don't hear. A select sector of UK tastefilled and testy popishness goes by you as does the intelligent and thoughtful yet razor sharp Hi-frkn-HaHa-larious insight and snark thrown down and tossed out in the way that you can only get from our pals the brits. Wicked.
Another band you may know nothing about.
That is so wrong. Here is:
The Last Shadow Puppets with My Mistakes Were Made For You MP3 BUY iT!
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