I first heardGrupoFantasma on Austin City Limits a couple weeks ago and was completely knocked out. If it's snowing where you are this track will melt it. And You. Please play and dance loud.
These posts are made in order to help promote artists that I love and believe in and to hopefully twist yr spindly little bird arm into buying their stuff. Generally speaking the artists that I tend to like are not wealthy and do not usually refer to their home (or tour van as the case may be) as a "crib". So with this in mind please give them your hard earned money. They deserve it or I would not bother letting you know about them. Songs are up for a limited time and once gone they are gone. Got the rights to a file and want it removed? Give me a holler.
I played...
ReplyDeleteand I danced....
very nice track, keep 'em coming!